March 26, 2025

Wednesday, March 26, 2025 EARLY RELEASE @ 1:30

Happy Birthday to:  Emersyn Bellwood & Francesca Phaff

Congratulations to all those involved in the spring musical. The community is raving about you! Please remember to turn in your scripts by today, March 26th so as not to have a fine. Scripts can be turned in directly to Ms. Hurley or to the middle school office. Watch for next year's show announcements next month. See you next season!

March is reading month! Do you have any gently used books that are no longer being used at your house? If so, Mrs. Eddy's class is holding a used book drive. Please bring books to Mrs. Eddy's room 426 during the month of March.

To celebrate March is Reading Month, we are having a book-related spirit day, every day this month. Take a look at the calendars posted around the building to see what each day is. Today is Comic Book Day. Tomorrow is Tourist Day. 

Students interested in attending an Academic Talented Youth Summer Camp please stop by the main office for an information packet. 


Do you ride horses? If you are interested in the middle school equestrian team and own or have access to a horse suitable for showing, or gymkhana events, stop in the office and sign up.

If you are interested in Lacrosse, sign-up flyers are in the office. They are due tomorrow. 

If  you are staying after school for Tennis report to Mrs. Eddy’s room (426) after school. Unless you are going home and have a ride back at 3:00.