March 21, 2025

Friday, March 21, 2025

Friday, March 21, 2025       

Happy Birthday to:  Michael Baldwin, Kaelynn Burd & Malena Cook.  Saturday- Jace Plane & Ms. Fronsman.

Happy opening night to all those involved in the spring musical! Remember that call is at 5:30 for cast and 6 for crew and pit. The production party will be in the cafeteria following the show. We’re so proud of all your hard work! Break a leg!

Tickets are now on sale for our spring musical. The show dates are tonight and tomorrow at 7:00 PM and Sunday at 2:00 PM. Student tickets are only $7! See the high school main office to purchase your ticket today or buy them at the door. 

March is reading month! Do you have gently used books that are no longer being used at your house? If so, Mrs. Eddy's class is holding a used book drive. Please bring books to Mrs. Eddy's room 426 during the month of March.

To celebrate March is Reading Month, we are having a book-related spirit day, every day this month. Take a look at the calendars posted around the building to see what each day is. Today is Non-Fiction Day, dress as a Historical figure. Monday is Cookbook Day.  

Students interested in attending an Academic Talented Youth Summer Camp please stop by the main office for an information packet. 


Do you ride horses? If you are interested in the middle school equestrian team and own or have access to a horse suitable for showing, or gymkhana events, stop in the office and sign up.

7th and 8th grade girls, are you interested in playing Softball? Stop in the office to pick up a flyer with information. Attention 6th graders- softball is now open to you! Your tryouts will be next Tuesday, the 25th from 4:30-6:30 at the softball field.

If you are interested in Lacrosse, sign-up flyers are in the office. They are due by Friday, March 28th. They must be signed by a parent before they are returned.

If you're a 7th or 8th grader who is interested in playing tennis tryouts are March 25th and 26th from 3-4. You must have a physical on file to try out. See Mrs. Eddy if you need more information.