Class of 2025
Cap and Gown Information
Student Informational Meeting - December 12th at 8:00 am in the auditorium.
Jostens cap and gown order deadline will be December 18, 2024.
Josten's or call 1-269-217-6936.
Senior Picture Deadline
Please send your senior photos in by February 1st.
Please send photos to Yearbook Photos
If you have any questions contact Mrs. Zima.
Senior Slideshow
Please send a baby picture and a senior picture to Senior Slideshow by February 1st.
If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Rio.
Prom will be on May 3, 2025
8:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Location - Double Tree by Hilton - 50 Capital Ave. Battle Creek, MI. 49017
Please contact Mrs. Peet or Mrs. Deskins with any questions.
Senior Final Exams
Final Exam Dates -
May 14th during 4th and 5th blocks
May 15th during 1st and 2nd blocks
Senior Class Picture and Walk
The Senior Class Picture and walk will be on May 15, 2025 beginning at 10:45 am in the gymnasium.
The Senior Slideshow will immediately follow the walk in our auditorium.
Elementary walk through will begin at 1:30 pm.
Senior Awards
Senior Awards will be on May 16, 2025 in the high school auditorium.
Breakfast will begin at 7:30 am.
Awards presentation will begin at 8:00 am.
Students who will be receiving an award will receive an invitation to this event.
Credit Deadline
May 23rd at 3:00 pm will be the last day for seniors to qualify to participate in Commencement/Graduation.
All credits must be completed and all fines and fees must be paid to the office.
Community Service Hours
Community service hours are due on May 23rd by 3:00 pm. Please turn into Mr. Brownell.
Commencement Rehearsal and Cap and Gown Pick-up
Commencement Rehearsal: May 28, 2025 at 12:30
Light snacks will be provided.
12:30 p.m. – Distribution of caps/gowns will be at the football stadium. All fines and fees that students have incurred must be paid in full prior to the day of rehearsal. Diplomas will be held until fines and fees are paid in the main office.
1:00 p.m. - Mandatory rehearsal at Harper Creek Football Stadium
PLEASE NOTE: In order to have a well organized and successful commencement, we expect attendance by all participating members of the graduating class.
Graduation/Commencement Information
Friday, May 30 at 6:00 p.m. – Harper Creek Stadium
Seniors should plan to report at 5:15 p.m. to the middle school gym.
All graduates should park in the parking lot located between the middle school and administration building.
No tickets are required, unless the seating/viewing limitations require it.
In case of inclement weather, Commencement will be held in the high school gym or auditorium, and graduates will report to the high school cafeteria. Graduates may be required to reduce their number of guests in the event the ceremony moves indoors.
Only those seniors who have successfully completed all graduation requirements and are in good standing will be permitted to participate in the Commencement Ceremony.
The Commencement Ceremony is like any other extracurricular school activity in which school policies apply. Those wishing to participate in the graduation/commencement activities and ceremony are required and expected to adhere to all rules and policies of the school. This is a special time of the year and we don't want to have to exclude anyone from the ceremony for disciplinary reasons.
Diplomas will be available to graduating seniors at the rehearsal on May 28th..
Seniors who did not meet graduation requirements will not participate in the Commencement Ceremony, but they will receive their diplomas once verification of the requirements have been received by Harper Creek High School.
Dress/Attire/Clothing Expectations:
Due to the formality of the occasion, each graduate should follow the clothing guidelines listed below:
White Gowns: *Light colored dress or dress slacks *Light colored shoes
*Flowers and patterns should not be worn under the robes
*Suit coats should not be worn under the robe
Blue Gowns: *Light colored dress shirt/tie *Dark pants *Dark shoes
*Suit coats should not be worn under the robe
Graduates may decorate their caps appropriately. It is encouraged to display your post-high school plans (college, career, military) or an inspiring message. No profanity, innuendos, or political speech is appropriate.
We hope that you recognize the need for having clothing guidelines for such a formal celebration. The graduation ceremony is a privilege and graduates run the risk of not walking with their class if appropriate attire is not followed.
If you are unable to meet these guidelines, please contact Mr. Greenman, High School Principal at 269-441-8412