March 24, 2025

Monday March 24

Attention Students: Are you a senior that needs volunteer hours to meet your graduation requirement? Are you a junior that needs community service hours to add to your scholarship applications next year? Are you a new or existing NHS member that needs volunteer hours to maintain your good standing in the organization? Or, if you have ever played any sport at the Wattles Park Men's Club, please consider volunteering with Mr. Lowrie at the Wattles Park Men's Club Community Day on Saturday April 12 from 10 am until noon. We will be helping with light groundskeeping and assist with preparing the fields and facilities for the upcoming spring soccer and baseball seasons. And we'll even buy you a donut. So, please consider joining Mr. Lowrie for a tasty pastry, and the opportunity to give back to your community with a couple hours of your time. 

Attention theater students who worked with Mr. Harmon: if you performed in or worked backstage for four shows before Mr. Harmon left, please see Ms. Hurley in room 120 to potentially receive a varsity letter for theater.  You must talk to her before spring break to receive your letter before graduation. 

Any student who has done four shows in high school with Ms. Hurley and meets the other requirements will receive their letters automatically. 

If you are planning to do dual enrollment next school year, please have your dual enrollment agreement turned in before spring break. If you need to take the Accuplacer, that also needs to be completed before April 1. 

Students in grade 9-11, please make sure you have the device you will be testing on for the digital readiness check on March 25 during 4th block.

Attention Juniors and Seniors! Prom tickets are on sale starting today for ONLY  Seniors. Tickets will be $40.00 per ticket. Cash only. Tickets will be sold during both lunches. Junior and Senior sales will begin on April 7th. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Peet or Mrs. Deskins

If you are a Junior or Senior make sure to follow the prom 2025 Instagram page @ harpercreek.prom25 for important updates. Also, if you have any fun photo memories DM them to Instagram @ harpercreek.prom25 to be featured at this years prom.