Monday, March 3, 2025
6th grade choir members, there will be no practice today or Thursday due to Mr. Cavis's bandrequirements. We will have our festival celebration next Monday and discuss whether or not we will keep performing then. 6th grade band members, your concert is tomorrow night here at the middle school auditorium. Please arrive at the band room area by 6:40; the concert will begin at 7:00 PM.
Students interested in attending an Academic Talented Youth Summer Camp please stop by the main office for an information packet.
Reminder: You cannot use your phone OR smartwatch from bell to bell. This includes text, checking messages, etc. throughout the day. If you are not feeling well, please let an adult know. Do Not Text your parents—that is using your phone.
Teachers- Please remember to give out LEAD tickets for following LEAD expectations. Students must deposit their tickets in the LEAD bin in the cafeteria to be in the running for cool prizes.
Attention 8th-grade girls' basketball players: If you have not turned in your basketball uniform or practice jersey to Mrs. Ries, please do so as soon as possible.
Tennis signups are outside Mr. McManus's classroom. Please sign up only yourself and pay attention to which sheet you should sign up for.
Attention potential track stars! Do you think you have what it takes to outrun, outjump, or outthrow the competition? Or maybe you want to just enjoy the sunshine and outdoors with your friends this spring? This is for 7th and 8th Graders only.
Track and Field sign-up sheets for boys and girls are posted outside of Mr. Ries’s room.
Students- If you are interested in Lacrosse, sign-up flyers are in the office. They are due by Friday, March 28th. They must be signed by a parent before they are returned.