Monday, February 17, 2025
Happy Birthday Saturday – Bo Miller & Elisa Miller. Sunday-Miya Herman, Carter Hoffman & Roann Markham. Today- Madison Berger, Tenley Bolton & Izabelle Koehler.
Attention 8th-12th graders: are you interested in theater but not in being on stage? There will be a meeting in Ms. Hurley’s room (120 at the high school) on February 20th after school. Check your email for a form and more details!
Middle School Conferences— Conferences will be rescheduled for this Thursday, Feb. 20, 2025. Your same time slot will remain; however, if you cannot make it at that time, please go to the website, cancel your appointment, and reach out to the homeroom teacher.
Reminder: You cannot use your phone from bell to bell. If you are not feeling well, please let an adult know. Do Not Text your parents—that is using your phone.
Teachers- Please remember to give out LEAD tickets for following LEAD expectations. Students must deposit their tickets in the LEAD bin in the cafeteria to be in the running for cool prizes.