Friday, February 7, 2025
Happy Birthday to: Sophia Cunningham, yesterday. None today. Saturday- Ahliyah Dishman, Pierson Hoffman, Stephan Mabry-Glass & Mrs. Mowry.
8th graders- Do you want to travel to Spain and France? Join Mr. Brinker and Mrs. Beam during Spring Break of 2026! We will be taking a 10-day tour of France and Spain, including sightseeing, enjoying their delicious cuisine, exploring, and taking part in cultural experiences. If that all sounds amazing, contact Mrs. Beam at or see her before school. This trip is open to ALL current 8th-12th graders- you do not have to be enrolled in the World Language program! We will also have informational packets available in the front office. Mr. Brinker will be hosting an informational meeting on Thursday, February 6th at 7 pm, after HS conferences if you want your parent/ guardian to have more in-person information!
Attention 8th-12th graders: are you interested in theater but not in being on stage? Would you like to meet some new people AND learn new skills? Consider joining the tech crew for our upcoming musical. There will be a meeting in Ms. Hurley’s room (120 at the high school) on February 20th after school. Check your email for a form and more details!
Middle School Conferences- Conferences will be held February 11th and 12th, next Tuesday and Wednesday, from 3:00-7:00 pm. The link to sign up is on the web page.
Attention 7th & 8th graders! Mark your calendars for our Valentine's Day Dance on Friday, February 14th from 3-5 pm in the cafeteria! Tickets are $5.00 and will be sold during lunch and at the door. The dress is casual, whatever you wear to school is fine, however, wear red or pink if you have it. Concessions will be available.
Spirit Days today is, blue and white!!
The Student Council will be selling goodies at lunch to be delivered to your special Valentine. ... Let the Student Council brighten their day!
Reminder: You cannot use your phone from bell to bell. If you are not feeling well, please let an adult know. Do Not Text your parents—that is using your phone.
Teachers- Please remember to give out LEAD tickets for following LEAD expectations. Students must deposit their tickets in the LEAD bin in the cafeteria to be in the running for cool prizes.