Thursday January 30
NHS is hosting a coin war for the Super Bowl from February 3-7. Two cups will be dropped off in each first-block classroom this Friday, January 31. Bring in your coins next week! The cups will be collected on Friday, February 7; the winning class will be announced on Monday, February 10th, and will receive a prize!
Attention 8th-12th graders: are you interested in theater but not in being on stage? Would you like to meet some new people AND learn new skills? Consider joining the tech crew for our upcoming musical. There will be a meeting in Ms. Hurley’s room (120 at the high school) on February 20th after school. Check your email for a form and more details!
Please consider supporting our DECA members by purchasing some delicious popcorn. Look for QR codes posted around the building and the main office.
Attention students! If you’re a first-generation college student or will be the first in your immediate family to attend college, we have a small group just for you! Ms. Wagaman will be running this group, which will help you navigate the college journey with support, resources, and answers to any questions you may have. Sign up now using the Google Form link in your class’s Google Classroom. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to connect and get prepared for success!
Attention Seniors- Your pictures for the senior slideshow are due this Friday January 31, please submit your photos to Your yearbook photos along with senior quotes are also due, those can be sent to Any questions please reach out to Baylee Casterline or Izzy Bush.
Winter Carnival Tickets are being sold again today! Tickets will be sold both lunches all week this week and next week. The dance will be held on February 8th from 8-10pm in the high school cafeteria. Tickets are $10.
Our next blood drive is on February 7th. You must be 16 or older to donate, which can help you earn senior hours. Please see Mrs. Helmbreck for permission slips or to sign up.