October 9, 2024

Wednesday October 9

Please come out and support our boys soccer team at their district game against Marshall at home, Thursday at 6:00.

You can still get 2024 yearbooks for $65 in the office or in Mrs. Zima's room. 

2025 yearbooks are now on sale for $60. You can scan the QR code or visit yearbookordercenter.com. 

If you'd like to earn a FREE yearbook, see Mrs. Zima and join the butter braid fundraiser ASAP. The fundraiser is only one week so see her today!

The counseling department is offering a Divorce Support Group for any student, 9-12th grade, who is affected by parental divorce or separation.   This group will provide a safe and supportive environment where students can share their experiences, learn helpful coping strategies, and connect with others going through other situations.   The group will meet once a week for 10 weeks and it is a great way to manage stress, learn coping strategies, and even improve your academic success.  If you are interested in joining or would like more info, you can sign up through the Google Form available in your class Google Classroom or in the counseling office.  

Picture retakes were yesterday if you missed retakes and still need your picture taken see someone in the main office or contact Craft Studios directly.  

If you are interested in a career in the trades, please join us for a field trip to the Regional Manufacturing Technology Center on the morning of October 10th. Sign up in the counseling office, or by emailing your counselor. Space is limited. 

Auditions for our Fall Follies will be October 30th and November 1st from 3-5 pm.  $20 for groups and $10 for individuals.  Follies will be held Saturday November 16th at 6 pm in our auditorium.  Sign-up sheets are in the main office.