November 17, 2023

Daily Announcements

Friday, Nov. 17th, 2023

Today is a B Day

Happy Birthday to:  Lauren Bye, Alexandria Mann, Kason Messer, Locke Moore & Gabriel Waite

Saturday Birthdays: Tyler Craddock, Zoielin Devine & Jayden Pickett


Saturday Birthdays: Tyler Craddock, Zoielin Devine & Jayden Pickett

Don’t forget to order your Harper Creek Christmas Shirt. Orders will only be accepted until next Wednesday, Nov. 22nd.  Don’t miss out!!!

Today is a Hat Day-Pay $1.00 to your first hour teacher. Teachers, you have an envelope in your mailbox, please be sure you pick it up this morning, stickers are in it. Return to the office after 1st hour.

Auditions for the spring musical Annie are happening on December 11th and 12th! You will read scenes and sing at the auditions. No prior experience is necessary. You can pick up audition packets with rehearsal tracks in the main office.  Please see the posters around school for more details or email

Interested in the Clay Target Team? There will be an informational meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 21st in the High School Library. It starts at 6:30, coaches will be on hand to answer any questions.


Swimming and Diving Team sign ups are on the counter in the office if you are interested.