Results from the coin war are in…….Mr. Jordan’s first block won!! His class raised almost 4o dollars!!
Valentine's Hot Chocolate Sale! This Friday during both lunches. $2.00 a cup. Toppings included.
Students interested in attending the CACC next year, signup sheets are in the counseling office. Please have these returned by March 1. Space in each program is limited.
Come down to The Rink this Saturday Feb 15 from 1:30 - 3:00 for an Open Skate fundraiser for the cross-country team! Admission is $10 and skate rentals are $3. All proceeds will go towards a new camera for the track and cross-country timing system. Bring your family and friends! We look forward to seeing you out on the ice on Saturday!
Attention seniors- please check the Class of 2025 Google Classroom for new scholarship opportunities. Many deadlines are the end of February and many also require that your FAFSA is complete.
If you are interested in starting or continuing Dual Enrollment for next school year, please complete the interest survey found in your Google classroom by March 1.