Distinguished Alumni & Citizen
Harper Creek Community Schools has been graduating students since 1960. We invite the community to nominate outstanding Harper Creek alumni and citizens for the first Distinguished Alumni Award. Award winners will be honored at the graduation ceremony.
All nomination submissions will be reviewed by the seven-person Distinguished Alumni and Citizen Committee, comprised of the Harper Creek Board of Education, faculty, and the community. This committee will make its final selections no later than the end of March each year with the awardees notified at that time.
Questions regarding these two awards may be directed to Karla Kopp, Executive Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent, at 269-441-6555.
Distinguished Citizen Award
Harper Creek Community Schools has been the cornerstone of our community since the 1950s and we are privileged to call our 82 square mile school district home. Many families have lived in our school district for decades and have made great contributions to ensure that Harper Creek always strives for excellence in academics, teaching, sports, the arts, and life. Our privilege is to honor these positive role models and show our current students and surrounding areas the value of giving back to one’s community through our Distinguished Citizen Award.
The Nomination and Selection Process
The purpose of this form is to nominate a person who has lived in the Harper Creek school district for at least 20 years (years do not have to be continuous) and who has distinguished him/herself through outstanding leadership, character, integrity, and service to our Harper Creek community.
The nominee must demonstrate the above qualities listed to inspire the students at Harper Creek Community Schools in their pursuit of excellence.
The nominee may be living or deceased.
Nomination packages will be kept for two years from the year of submission. The distinguished citizen will be recognized during the graduation ceremony in May and is expected to attend to receive his/her award. The distinguished citizen will also be recognized at a community reception the same day as graduation.
Submit Applications to:
Harper Creek Community Schools
Attn: Karla Kopp, Distinguished Citizen Award
7454 B Drive North, Battle Creek, MI 49014
The Nomination Review Process
All submitted nomination packages will be reviewed by a seven-person Distinguished Citizen Selection Committee comprised of members of the Harper Creek Board of Education, faculty, and the community. This committee will make its final selection(s) no later than the end of April each year, with the awardee(s) notified at that time.
The more thorough the information provided to the selection committee, the more likely the person will be considered to receive the distinguished citizen award.
Distinguished Alumni Award
Harper Creek Community Schools graduated students since 1960 and we are proud of our alumni. Many of our alumni have expanded upon their K-12 education and developed into outstanding leaders in their fields and their communities. Our privilege is to honor these positive role models to show our current students the value of a rigorous educational foundation.
The Nomination and Selection Process
The purpose of this form is to nominate a Harper Creek graduate who has graduated at least 20 years earlier and who has distinguished him/herself through outstanding leadership, character, integrity, and service to his/her field and/or community.
The nominee must demonstrate the above qualities listed that will inspire the students at Harper Creek Community Schools in their pursuit of excellence.
The nominee may be living or deceased.
Nomination packages will be kept for two years from the year of submission. The distinguished alumnus will be recognized during the graduation ceremony in June and is expected to give a no longer than ten-minute commencement speech. In the event that two distinguished alumni are recognized, only one person will be asked to give the commencement speech. The distinguished alumnus will also be recognized at a community reception the same day as graduation.
Submit Applications to:
Harper Creek Community Schools
Attn: Karla Kopp, Distinguished Alumni Award
7454 B Drive North, Battle Creek, MI 49014
The Nomination Review Process
All nomination packages submitted will be reviewed by the seven-person Distinguished Alumni Selection Committee, which is comprised of members of the Harper Creek Board of Education, faculty, and the community. This committee will make its final selection(s) no later than the end of April each year with the awardee(s) notified at that time.
The more thorough the information provided to the selection committee, the more likely the person will be considered to receive the distinguished alumni award.
Past Winners
Distinguished Alumni
2016 | Dr. Christine (Jordan) Draper | Class of 1992 |
2016 | Kristin D (Marlatt) King | Class of 1981 |
2017 | Diane Smith | Class of 1985 |
2018 | Amy Rosa | Class of 1960 |
2019 | Tracie Lynn Tomak | Class of 1985 |
2021 | Sherii (DeRuiter) Sherban | Class of 1981 |
2022 | Angie Farleigh Colamaria | Class of 1993 |
2023 | Derek King | Class of 1993 |
2024 | Sean Etheridge | Class of 1996 |
Distinguished Citizen
2016 | Allyn Miller |
2017 | Vern DeYoung, posthumous |
2018 | James R. C. Hazel Jr., posthumous |
2021 | Fred Lutzke |
2022 | C. Glen Walter |
2023 | Gary Lincoln |
2024 | Deborah Look |
2024 | Norma Krutsch |