Annual Notices

Harper Creek Community Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity, or sexual orientation), marital status, disability, or any other legally prohibited basis in admission or access to district programs and activities. 

Policy 4101

Parents/guardians may inspect any survey created by a third party before that survey is administered or distributed to their student. All survey inspection requests must be made in writing to the building principal before the survey’s scheduled administration date. The District must obtain written consent from a student’s parent/guardian before the student is required to participate in a survey, analysis, or evaluation funded, in whole or part, by the U.S. Department of Education that would reveal sensitive information about a student, the District will provide prior notice to the student’s parent/guardian and an opportunity for the parent/guardian to opt their student out. Employees may not request or disclose the identity of a student who completes a survey, evaluation, or analysis containing sensitive information.“Sensitive Information” includes:• Political affiliations or beliefs of the student or the student’s parent/guardian;• Mental or psychological problems of the student or the student’s family;• Sexual behavior;• Illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating, or demeaning behavior;• Critical appraisals of other persons with whom the student has close family relationships;• Legally recognized privileges or analogous relationships, such as those with lawyers, physicians, and ministers;• Religious practices, affiliation, or beliefs of the student’s parent/guardian;• Income (other than that required by law to determine eligibility for participating in a program or for receiving financial assistance under that program).

Policy 5308

The District will monitor, manage, and treat pests on District property. The Board does not authorize the application of a pesticide on District property unless a written integrated pest management program is in place for that property. The Superintendent or designee will develop, evaluate, and modify site-specific integrated pest management programs in accordance with the law. The Board only authorizes the lawful application of a pesticide by a certified or registered applicator who has been properly trained. After the application of a pesticide, a person may only reenter District property in compliance with restrictions identified by the application and required by law.A “pesticide” does not include sanitizers, germicides, disinfectants, or antimicrobial agents. Notice Within 30 days after the beginning of each school year, the Superintendent or designee will provide notice to students’ parents/guardians that they will receive advance notice of the application of a pesticide. Except in an emergency, the Superintendent or designee will provide at least 48 hours of advance notice to students’ parents/guardians of the application of a pesticide. In an emergency, the Superintendent or designee will provide notice to students’ parents/guardians promptly after a pesticide has been applied. Notices will comply with methods, time frames, and information requirements established by MCL 324.8316.RecordsEach building will maintain a copy of its integrated pest management program. Records of pesticide use and other non-pesticide pest management practices will be maintained on-site. 

Policy 3406

Bloodborne pathogens and other infectious body fluids can be transmitted through contact with skin, eyes, mouth, and mucous membranes, including needle sticks, cuts, punctures, and bites. The District will observe universal precautions to prevent contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials. Under circumstances in which differentiation between body fluid types is difficult or impossible, all body fluids will be considered potentially infectious materials. 

Policy 3405

The District prohibits the sale, possession, distribution, dispensation, or use of tobacco products, electronic cigarettes, vaporizers, and all electronic nicotine delivery systems on property owned or operated by the District.

Policy 3102

The District is a weapon-free school zone.  Except as otherwise permitted by Policy or required by applicable law, a person may not possess a weapon on District property.

Policy 3408

The District may use detection dogs, without a warrant or consent, to sniff property in an effort  to locate illegal drugs or contraband according to  Board Policy  3107’s protocol. Detection dogs will not be used to search a person unless the search is otherwise authorized by law or Policy. The District will inform students and personnel over the public address system when a detection dog is being used and may direct students and personnel to remain in place or relocate. A detection dog alerting on a person’s property constitutes reasonable suspicion for a District administrator to search the property. Anything found during a search that violates Policy, school rules, school handbook, or state or federal law may be seized and used as evidence in a disciplinary proceeding. Any illegal drugs, dangerous weapons, and other illegal items found during a search will be tagged and identified by a District administrator and turned over to law enforcement. 

Policy 3107-F

Updated July 2024