
Student Safety
- Students are to be ready and waiting at their scheduled stop five minutes before the scheduled pickup time.
- Students are to stay off the road at all times while waiting for the bus.
- During the first two weeks of school, the elementary buses may be running late in the afternoon while staff ensures that the young students are on their correct buses.
- We appreciate your patience as we watch over your children’s safety.
Frequently Asked Questions About Busing
Q: My child is starting kindergarten. Will the bus pick my child up in front of my house?
A: No special laws or regulations for transporting regular education students enrolled in kindergarten. We will establish the safest closest stop legal to that of your kindergartner.
Q: Is there a law about how far my child has to walk?
A: No law specifies the maximum distance a student may walk to the bus stop.
Q: Is there a specified distance that must exist between school bus stops?
A: The lights on a school bus are used to notify traffic that a school bus is stopping, and by law must be activated 200 feet from a student stop. Bus stops must be at least 200ft apart.
Q: What about the safety of my child getting to and from the bus stop? There are no sidewalks where we live and it is not very safe walking on the busy road.
A: It is the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian to see that a child gets safely to and from the bus stop.
Q: What happens if I cannot be home when the bus is picking up or dropping off my kindergarten student?
A: An adult must physically meet your kindergarten or first-grade student at the school bus stop. The district does not permit anyone under the age of 18 years to receive or discharge a kindergarten student to the bus.
Q: Who is authorized to get my kindergartner off the bus every day?
A: Their school will have a list of adults (over 18) authorized to receive the student.
Q: How do I know if everything is OK if the bus is running late?
A: If the school bus is running 15 minutes or more late, we will notify families through robocalls or dispatch will be available to make and receive calls.
Q: My student is on the bus for a long time. How long can a K-12 student legally ride the bus daily?
A: There is no maximum ride time stated for students in kindergarten through grade 12.
Q: How early should my child be ready to board the school bus?
A: Your student should be ready and at the bus stop 5 minutes before the stop time.
Q: Can I (the parent) cross my child when boarding or disembarking the bus?
A: The school bus can legally control traffic with its overhead lights. Please allow the bus to safely cross your child to you. Students must always cross in front of the bus and cross only after the driver has signaled to do so. We ask students to walk 3 giant steps away from the bus, and 10 giant steps forward before getting the signal to cross.
Q: What if I need to change where my child needs to go home at the end of the school day?
A: Contact your child's school to set up a bus transfer.